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Pareen Gajjar
In episode #1 on
Landscape Architecture: Is it just something about the ‘Greens’?
There’s a misconception about what landscape architecture is all about its not just the plants we grow but something beyond this. So what is the importance of landscape? What is it about and what are the challenges and career focuses? Landscape is something which endures over time and always plays and vital role in bringing the city lives back also there’s no debate that this profession will be the future’s need.

Landscape Architecture: Is it just something about the greens?
An article by Pareen Gajjar, a student from 4th year B.lad
‘If everything exists within a landscape, then the landscape architect must learn to design everything.’
Introduction: If you are a landscape architect, people think that it’s your job to prune their roses and mow their lawn. One may also hear, “There can’t be too much work for landscape architects” or “They are just educated gardeners.” But this is not what landscape architecture is all about, it is about creating great cities, streets, parks and public spaces – ones that inspire healthy living and wellbeing while protecting the natural environment and people. Landscape architecture is about creating safe, sustainable and resilient landscapes. Landscapes that evolve but endure over the time. [1]
History: People usually think that landscape as a profession is new compared to other professions but for centuries, landscape architecture and architecture are completely linked with each other, organizing the environment for the society and people. [1] The name "landscape architecture" was invented by a Scotsman in 1828. It uses the ancient skill of garden designers (to compose landform with water, vegetation, structures and paving) and applies this skill to the man-made landscape. We are promoting a landscape art on a scale never conceived of in history'. Some of the oldest and most famous gardens like those at the Palace of Versailles outside of Paris and Villa d’Este in Tivoli, Italy come to mind. These and many others were designed far before the term ‘landscape architecture’ was introduced. [2]
Facts: For most people, spending time outdoors in well-designed public spaces is one of the highlights to city life. So why do we devote so little of our attention to their design?
We have studies showing that people tend to be healthier and happier, and can enjoy longer lives, in areas where they have access to nature, including green urban spaces. Outdoor spaces are some of the least expensive to create and can pay some of the highest returns on investment—in terms of community life, health and wellness, and the generation of economic activity in surrounding areas. As more people—from young professionals to retirees—move back into cities, green public spaces and vibrant streetscapes are often cited as key factors for attracting residents and businesses. Despite this, we do not give outdoor spaces the same value and financial support that we give to buildings and interiors. We calculate the square-foot value of buildings and interiors but don’t do the same for a square foot outdoors. Landscape architects understand the natural environment, the built environment, and the interface between them. And they are ideally prepared to take leadership in shaping outdoor spaces and framing public awareness about them. [10]
About Profession: However, there is a misconception about the two individual terms that are, "Landscape Architecture and Landscape Design”, they both are very different in their own ways. A landscape designer typically has more knowledge in different aspects of gardening and specialized plant knowledge. [3]Whereas the landscape architecture career requires at least a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture, although a master's degree offers more specialized knowledge and skills for career advancement. A landscape designer does not require a licensure, and responsibilities can vary based on knowledge and experience. [5][11] Landscape Architecture designs the public realm. It can often be difficult to pin down what Landscape Architecture does; it is abroad discipline with numerous paths. It is a highly creative discipline with a deep foundation in ecology and design, history and culture, context and philosophy, urban planning and planting design. In the end, we in landscape architecture design and plan the spaces where we spend our public and private lives outside. [11]
The scope of the profession is broad and can be subdivided into several sub-categories including professional or licensed landscape architects who are regulated by governmental agencies and posses the expertise to design a wide range of structures and landforms for human use.[8]
Another comparison between this two fields i.e., landscape architects and architects are highly trained professionals who need a bachelor's degree in their field. Professionals in both fields need to be aware of environmental regulations and building codes that might affect their work. The key difference is the type of design work that they focus on. Architects design structures such as houses or office buildings, while landscape architects produce plans for the outdoor areas around structures. [11]
Advantages and future of Landscape: Landscape architectural design has slowly evolved to take into account the amount of effort and resources necessary to maintain our landscapes. The future of landscape architecture will demand we use our knowledge of living systems to create environments that reduce or eliminate the use of natural resources, while still creating places of value and beauty for humankind. Landscape also provides benefits in economic growth such as, Tourism, Branding, Attracting Investment, Attracting Residents and Productive Capacity. People value different landscapes for different reasons. [6][7] Some landscapes are appreciated for their high aesthetic natural values. Other landscapes are appreciated for their unique or special character which has arisen from the interaction of natural and human influences over time. Such landscapes can become an integral part of the identity of local communities. They provide a strong sense of belonging to ‘our place’ for residents and regular visitors alike. [7]
Statement: So, the most common answer to the question - What is the biggest problem you face working as a landscape architect? The answer would be the lack of recognition for the landscape architecture profession by other professionals and clients. [6]
Of course the irony here is the dire circumstances of climate change will push landscape architects to the forefront of the design world, delivering us the legitimacy we have always craved. Landscape architecture combines art and science to improve not only the environment, but our everyday lives. You have the opportunity to make an impact on the world’s experience of outdoor spaces as a landscape architect, and have endless ways and places to do so. It’s only up to you now. Are you up for the challenge? [9]
1. Arch20 – Unknown - An Introduction to Landscape Architecture
2.Charles Waldheim – Sep 30, 2014 - Introduction- Landscape as architecture.
3.Unknown - Difference between Landscape Architect & Landscape Designer, May 30, 2020 https://www.thespruce.com/difference-between-landscape-architect-and-designer-2736682
4.The University of Greenwich - Garden and Landscape guide – Gardenvisit - The Importance of Landscape architecture.
5.Unknown – January 8, 2018 - Why are landscape Features important?
6.June 5th by Gary J. Lai in Editorial - The Future of Landscape Architecture
7.Target Jobs- The Fountain Building, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxford shire OX10 8BA UK- Landscape Architects – Job Description. https://targetjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/job-descriptions/280535-landscape-architect-job-description
8. Unknown - What Do Landscape Architects Do (including Their Typical Day At Work) – July 27, 2020
9. Damian Holmes – August 22, 2018 - How can we better promote landscape architecture?
10. Department of Landscape Architecture – 2019 California Sate Polytechnic University, Pomona - About the Profession.
11. The Spruce - Lisa Hallett Taylor – August 8, 2020 - Landscape Architect vs. Landscape Designer: What's the Difference?