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School of Environmental Design and Architecture

Approach. An initiative by the students of School of Environmental Design and Architecture, Navrachana University. A student led newsletter aiming to initiate a discourse beyond architecture studios and architecture itself. Presented to you by the batch of COVID -19.
Approach is a newsletter made and designed by the students of SEDA, for those seeking knowledge about different things related to architecture. This is an online platform that serves as an archive of articles, research papers, essays et cetra, by and for the students of SEDA, Navrachana University. An approach towards disseminating the authentic knowledge gained by one with everyone around.
‘In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others.’ Deuteronomy Rabbah
Various topics related to architecture have been taken into consideration by the students while writing the articles. This has broadened and honed the research and writing skill set of the young minds. Research and Writing are the primary two things covered in this website. Writing has helped the students to learn and inculcate their approach towards writing, the structure of an article and the conclusion, and knowledge.
‘The more extensive a man’s knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do.’ Benjamin Disraeli
Anchor 1
Guided by:

Prof. Pratyush Shankar
Pratyush Shankar is a practicing architect and an academic. He is Dean of SEDA Navrachna University, Vadodara, India and Visiting Professor at the Mundus Urban Program at Architecture Faculty, TU Darmstadt, Germany. He was Senior Humboldt Fellow at University of Bonn 2015-17. He presently writing a book on the History of Urban Form in India (Oxford University Press)

Prof. Advaita Jalan
Advaita Jalan is an architect as well as an Urban designer. She is an associate professor at SEDA Navrachana University, Vadodara, India. She has been an academician since the year 2015. She was the principle Urban Designer at Nottingham City Council for 3 years in Nottingham, UK. and an Urban designer for Brown & Keener in Philadelphia, USA for a year.
Articles by:
Students of SEDA
Navrachana University
Designed by:
Varun Sangani
Mardvi Patel
Pavani Joshi
Archee Shah
Hemaxi Luhar
Yugma Barad
Aman Srivastava
Ninaz Sonawala
Represented by :
School of Environmental Design and Architecture
Vasna - Bhayli Main Rd, Bhayli, Vadodara, Gujarat 391410
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